ThisDIY水果在底部的酸奶上can easily turn a bowl of regular yogurt into a fun after-schoolsnack, an exciting new早餐,或容易甜点。非常适合9个月以上的年龄。

Graphic for post – DIY fruit on the bottom yogurt, 10 homemade flavors. Images of a side view of four clear glass jars full with fruit on the bottom yogurt on the top for a fruit yogurt snack.

由医学评论和共同撰写杰米·约翰逊, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), and劳伦·布劳顿(Lauren Braaten), Pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT).

Easy Yogurt with Fruit



You can whip up a week’s worth of these pretty little yogurt with fruit cups on the weekend to enjoy all week long.


如果您正在为您的小孩子寻找更简单健康的酸奶食谱,请务必查看我的bob电竞网页蓝莓酸奶,草莓酸奶,Apple Yogurt,充满水果的酸奶冻糕,Favorite Yogurt Toppings,或这些美味Yogurt Pancakes或者Muffins。您还可以在我最畅销的食谱中找到更多食谱和信息bob电竞网页bob体育下载

Featured Yogurt Video

Reasons to Love this Fruit Yogurt

  • 为传统酸奶提供丰富多彩而美味的方式
  • Yogurt is a great source of calcium, protein, healthy fats, and probiotics
  • Added fruit is a good source of fiber and antioxidants
  • Perfect for making into yogurt parfaits
  • 预算友好
  • 做营养早餐或小吃
  • 让孩子们参与厨房
  • 挑食者尝试新食物的有趣方式
  • Endless fruit combinations!


  • Yogurt:普通的全牛奶酸奶是普通的或希腊风格的最好的。对于无乳制品版本,您可以执行任何喜欢的植物性酸奶 - 杏仁,腰果,燕麦等。
  • 水果:用草莓,蓝莓,混合浆果,苹果,桃子或芒果制成一个组合
  • Maple Syrup:添加到水果中
  • Spices:根据水果的不同,我们将添加一点肉桂,香草,肉豆蔻等,以增强水果



Yogurt has many health benefits for babies, toddlers, adults and everyone in between. It provides many of the nutrients our bodies need for different functions in every stage of life.

  • Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, needed for bone growth and development. One cup has almost half of the recommended daily value for adults.
  • 如果酸奶含有活性培养物,则这些是益生菌,这有助于健康的肠道和消化。
  • Whole milk yogurt, recommended for kids 2 and under, has fats necessary for brain development.


  1. Simmer:place the fruit of choice, water, and spice into a small saucepan and heat over medium-low heat for 10 minutes or until soft and broken down. Stir in the maple syrup. Let cool.
  2. Pulse:用浸入式搅拌器脉冲或将水果转移到搅拌机或食品加工机中,然后将果泥搅拌1-2分钟直至光滑。您可以根据自己的要求使其像矮胖或光滑。
  3. 水果Layer:add 2-3 tablespoons of the fruit compote at the bottom of a small container (preferably one with a lid if planning on storing).
  4. 酸奶层:next add 1/2 cup of yogurt. Close the lid or serve.

Time-Saving Tip:虽然我们喜欢使用煮熟的水果制作此食谱,但如果您的时间很短,则可以简单地将冷冻和融化的水果(及其果汁)与香料和枫糖浆混合在一起,直到光滑。然后添加到酸奶并食用。





The幼儿和孩子的最佳酸奶is whole milk (full fat), plain or unsweetened, and those with live active cultures. Full-fat yogurt is a great source of nutrition for brain development in babies and toddlers. However, regular yogurt also works equally well in this recipe.


Frequently Asked Questions

At what age can a baby have fruit yogurt?

Babies can be introduced to fruit yogurt at the same time solid foods are introduced, typically at around 6 months of age. Fruit yogurt is a great food for your baby, whether you’re following baby-led weaning or a traditional (spoon-feeding) weaning approach.

What fruit can you use for fruit yogurt?

Lots of different fruit, both fresh and frozen work equally well for fruit yogurt. You can try strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, mango, or apples.



水果Yogurt can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days. You can also freeze the fruit compote and add it to yogurt whenever you want.


  • Whole milk Greek yogurt provides the creamiest texture, although regular yogurt will work also.
  • Watch sugar content in flavored yogurts – plain, whole milk (full fat) Greek style yogurt usually has the least amount of sugar compared to lower fat versions.
  • Set up a mini yogurt bar with several different bowls of对儿童友好的浇头for a fun afternoon snack activity or dessert idea after dinner.
  • Add some “crunch” to your fruit on the bottom yogurt, such as granola, cereal, crushed graham crackers, hemp seeds, chia seeds, or dried coconut flakes.

Get the recipe:DIY Fruit of the Bottom Yogurt Cups

ThisDIY水果在底部的酸奶上can easily turn a bowl of regular yogurt into a fun after-schoolsnack, an exciting new早餐,或容易甜点。非常适合9个月以上的年龄。


  • 2杯子酸奶
  • 1batch水果蛋糕,见下文
  • 您选择的浇头(可选)格兰诺拉麦片,切碎的水果,大麻种子,毛毛雨的坚果黄油,地球种子,切碎的椰子,蜂蜜等。

Strawberry Compote

  • 2杯子草莓,新鲜或冷冻
  • 2汤匙
  • 1/4TSPcinnamon
  • 2-3汤匙maple syrup(optional)


  • 2杯子蓝莓,新鲜或冷冻
  • 2汤匙
  • 1TSPvanilla extract
  • 2-3汤匙maple syrup(optional)

Mango Compote

  • 2杯子芒果块新鲜或冷冻
  • 2汤匙
  • 1/8TSP丁香
  • 2-3汤匙maple syrup(optional)

Peach Compote

  • 2杯子桃片,新鲜或冷冻
  • 2汤匙
  • 1/8TSP肉豆蔻
  • 2-3汤匙maple syrup(optional)


  • 2杯子混合浆果,新鲜或冷冻
  • 2汤匙
  • 1/4TSPcinnamon
  • 2-3汤匙maple syrup(optional)


  • Simmer: place the fruit of choice, water, and spice into a small saucepan and heat over medium-low heat for 10 minutes or until soft and broken down. Stir in the maple syrup. Let cool.
  • Pulse:用浸入式搅拌器脉冲或将水果转移到搅拌机或食品加工机中,然后将果泥搅拌1-2分钟直至光滑。您可以根据自己的要求使其像矮胖或光滑。
  • 水果Layer:add 2-3 tablespoons of the fruit compote at the bottom of a small container (preferably one with a lid if planning on storing).
  • 酸奶层:next add 1/2 cup of yogurt. Close lid or serve.


贮存:These fruit yogurts can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. You can freeze the fruit puree for up to 4 months. Then you can defrost and add it to yogurt whenever you wish to serve this recipe.
For Toddlers and Kids:随意搭配大麻种子,格兰诺拉麦片,毛毛雨的蜂蜜(适合1岁以上的蜂蜜)或切碎的浆果。
Note on Fruit:如果使用冷冻水果,则在此食谱中烹饪之前无需解冻。
Time-Saving Tip:虽然我们喜欢使用煮熟的水果制作此食谱,但如果您的时间很短,则可以简单地将冷冻和融化的水果(及其果汁)与香料和枫糖浆混合在一起,直到光滑。然后添加到酸奶并食用。

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