

Christmas Books for Toddlers

I have read some of the books below so many times I am pretty sure I have them memorized. So if you see a tired mom wearing yoga pants and a crazy top bun reciting The Bear Stays Up while shopping at Target, you can go ahead and ignore her, she’s not entirely crazy;)


Here’s why –

  • 他们足够短,可以引起蠕动的幼儿的关注
  • 他们很有趣地阅读带有动物的书籍,眨眼的灯,有趣的弹出式或覆盖层
  • Some are songbooks(即使您可能会或不感谢我的那些;)
  • 他们每个人都以自己的方式神奇




  1. 圣诞节歌曲:互动儿童声书- 每个人都喜欢圣诞节音乐,所以请介绍您的小孩子参加节日庆典!这些经典的圣诞节颂歌和节日插图一定会为您的家提供节日欢呼!
  2. 棍子- 我家人一直以来最喜欢的一本关于棍子的书,只是想和他的棍子家人一起度假。成千上万的5星评论!
  3. 熊呆在圣诞节(熊书)– my personal favorite Christmas book about festive forest animals. Bear’s friends are determined to keep Bear awake for Christmas! So they wake Bear up and have him help them find a Christmas tree, bake cakes, hang up stockings, and sing Christmas songs. Bear stays up—by discovering that giving is one of the best Christmas presents of all!
  4. 梦中的雪– It’s almost Christmas and it hasn’t snowed yet. As the farmer naps on his small farm, he dreams of being covered in a gentle blanket of new snow. Then, one by one, he dreams of each of his five animals (aptly named One, Two, Three, Four, and Five) being covered as well. Turn the plastic page to discover what kind of critter lies beneath the snow. Carle’s magnificent collages, as always, are the heart and soul of his books.
  1. 圣诞节的12天- 孩子们会喜欢这种喧闹的经典颂歌中的每一个愚蠢的传播,非常适合在壁炉周围大声朗读。
  2. How to Catch an Elf- 您一直在等待,现在终于是圣诞节前夕!这一年是您终于抓住精灵的一年吗?
  3. 另外5个睡眠‘圣诞节直到圣诞节- 庆祝圣诞节的每个人都回想起一年中最神奇的一天的兴奋。但是,为什么在圣诞节到圣诞老人和他的驯鹿到来之前,在圣诞节到圣诞节之前不再变得更加有趣?
  4. 林地圣诞节:一本节日的冬季弹出书- 这个迷人的故事描绘了为冬天准备的林地动物 - 和圣诞节!每次传播都带有可爱的艺术品和有趣的弹出窗口。
  1. Dinosaur Christmas– Calling all Dino lovers! What did Santa use to pull his sleigh before he had reindeer? Dinosaurs! Santa Claus reminisces about “the good old days” when dinosaurs pulled his sleigh. The Tyrannosaurus rex wouldn’t stop licking Santa, the Pterosaurs flew too high, and the Maiasauras ate presents when no one was looking!
  2. 小蓝卡车的圣诞节- 这是一年中最美好的时光!小蓝色卡车通过向他的动物朋友运送圣诞树来散布欢呼。您能帮助从一棵到五个绿树计算每棵绿树吗?不要忘记将一个保存为蓝色!嘟!嘟!
  3. 圣诞快乐,小艾略特- 大象小艾略特(Little Elliot)不确定圣诞节精神是什么,但他怀疑自己没有。衷心庆祝奉献的季节!非常适合分享假期。
  4. Walking in a Winter Wonderland- 经典而备受喜爱的冬季假期歌曲“ Walking In the Winter Wonderland”以明亮而丰富多彩的插图栩栩如生。
  1. 最小的圣诞树– There are only five days until Christmas, and the Littlest Christmas Tree is still waiting for a home. All it wants is for a family to take it home, decorate it, and sing its favorite song.
  2. 圣诞节晚上的建筑工地- 您的孩子会很开心,发现每辆车都喜欢与故事一起押韵的特殊惊喜。这本可爱的书一定是经典!


Shmelf光明节精灵- 光明节的丰富传统在这个异想天开和神奇的故事中栩栩如生,非常适合假期。

拉特克,幸运的狗(光明节)- 在光明节的第一天晚上,拉特克(Latke)从动物收容所救出,很难学习房屋规则。尽管有一系列不幸,他还是一只幸运的狗!
