1-Waring ProMX1000R专业搅拌机$ 297.00 [waringpro.com]2-忍者QB1004 Master Prep Pro$ 59.99 [ninjakitchen.com]3-Vitamix中央情报局专业序列$ 498.95 [vitamix.com]4-BlendtecHome The Professionals Choice Total Blender$399.99 [blendtec.com]5-BrevilleHemipshere Control Blender$ 199.90 [brevilleusa.com]

When I first started making baby food, I used the blender that I had in my pre-baby days. You know the one, the one that looked cute on the counter and was efficient at making smoothies and more then its far share of margaritas. So I wasn’t entirely shocked when I blew the motor in a little over a month by making an extreme amount of baby food.

My old blender just wasn’t designed to handle that much pureeing. Not to mention I had to add an excessive amount of water to each of the purees in order for it to handle braking down the food to a smooth consistency.

Then a friend suggest I look into getting a Vitamix, raving how amazing it is. I went online and almost feel out of my chair at the price. Really? People pay that much for a blender. A blender?


Turns out, I don’t know what I would do without it now. Most expensive but most worthwhile kitchen gadget.

This blender rocks. It can make pretty much make anything for you. Almond Milk or Almond Butter? Yup. The perfect Smoothy or Juice? You betcha. Pancake mix? No problem. Over 1000 ounces of baby purees? Yes. A weekend where you can get all of your errands done, get a pedicure that doesn’t get chipped and have some alone time? Sorry sista, not a chance.


But that doesn’t mean that there is not a slew of other blenders that are just as effective at making baby purees. Above is a list of the most positively review blenders that are also on the consumer search best blender list, in all price ranges.

People ask me if they should just skip the blender and get a Beaba, Baby Brezza or a Baby Bullet. My opinion is that you should skip the baby food maker/blender and just get a real blender. You will be amazed what you will make in a nice blender. I also find that the baby food maker/blender limits the amount of options you have for cooking the produce and what consistency you get. And as you know by now, I love to mix up how I make my purees based on the best possible flavor outcome. If you already have a great blender, and still want a baby food maker/blender, go ahead. I am sure you have space way up high in your pantry to store it.