Can you feel it? The excitement of the new season – the sun warming your pale legs, the trees filling out with green leaves, the sound of the first flowers pushing their way through the ground, your crying babe wanting something fresh and new to eat!!.. shhhhhh, wee one, mommy needs just one more minute to listen to the birds.

It’s Spring time!

I am soaking it all in and pushing the winter away by trading my heavy sweaters for light cardigans, my slow cooker for the grill and red wine for white wine spritzers. Oh yea, that’s what I am talking about!

这也意味着是时候将那些重烤的果泥换成新的打火机和新鲜食谱了。bob电竞网页现在是时候用这个季节提供的所有味蕾唤醒他们的微小味蕾 - 酥脆的芦笋,松脆的苹果,多汁的蓝莓和一些新鲜的哈密瓜瓜!是时候这个季节了Mix + Match Puree Recipe Guidewhere all of the recipes are dedicated to Spring!!

TheMix + Match Puree Recipe Guideis made for anyone that wants to make homemade baby purees but doesn’t want to spend a ton of time in the kitchen. It has everything you need (excluding produce and a glass of wine) in order to make over 200 ounces of baby food in only 2 hours! I am sooooooo not joking around here – 200 ounces in 2 hours! It is enough purees for your little one to eat for an entire month – unless you have chow hounds like my girls and then you might need to double the recipes or supplement recipes from the blog. Either way, you get a whole-lotta purees for not-lotta work.

In the Mix + Match Puree Recipe Guide you will receive the following –

  • 7 easy fruit and vegetable puree recipes
  • 3种谷物和1个蛋白质的另外bob电竞网页3种食谱
  • All ingredients are seasonal, easy to find and vary in nutrient content
  • Step by step instructions on how to make all the recipes in under 2 hours
  • Over 50 Mix + Match puree combinations
  • 六个月以上很棒
  • Purees can be served as is for the baby that is just starting out or kicked up with spices, coconut milk or yogurt for the more accomplished eater
  • Fun, easy and ready to cut recipe cards
  • 7 day Meal Plan
  • Easy to use Shopping List

Possibly the best thing about this guide is that I give you over 50 different ways to Mix + Match the purees to make tempting combinations for your little one – Mango + Blueberry + Quinoa or maybe Green Beans + Broccoli + Millet + Mint or even Acorn Squash + Apple + Cloves for a fun meal. This means your little one won’t get board of having the same ol’ apple puree for every meal! Yippeee!!

Closing in for a close second, the next best thing about theMix + Match Puree Recipe Guideis that you get a free printable 7-day meal plan! It takes all the guess work out of what to feed your baby – youarewelcomeverymuch! One morning, I took one for the team, had an extra pot of coffee, and got down to the business of figuring out what purees to feed your baby and in what combinations in order to make sure they get all the nutrients they need on a daily basis. It was a hard task, but I did it for you:)

Okay, really the very best thing is if you slightly warm a big spoonful of the Blueberry + Apple puree and mix in some cinnamon and then drizzle it over some ice cream, yes I just said warm blueberry and ice cream in the same sentence, you will get a puree sundae just for you! And trust me when you are eating this sundae you will not even mind it when baby accidentally throws her spoon onto the floor… yet again.